Notes regarding how to use Docker and some DFIR information that I researched

Docker images

  • List local images: docker images
  • Remove local image(s): docker rmi <IMAGENAME or ID>
  • Pull a Docker Hub image: docker pull <REPONAME>:<TAG>
  • Login to Docker Hub: docker login
  • Push to your Docker Hub: docker push <REPONAME>:<TAG>
  • Common Docker file commands:
    • Base image: FROM <IMAGENAME>
    • Commands to run: RUN <COMMAND>
      • Can chain commands with && or just use another RUN command
  • Build from Dockerfile: docker build <DOCKERFILE>

Docker containers

  • List running containers: docker container ps
    • List all container: docker container ps -a
  • Create a container and interact: docker container run <IMAGENAME>
    • Other common options:
      • Detached (background): -d
      • Name: --name <NAME>
      • Map exposed ports to ephemeral range: -P
      • Map exposed ports to specific port: ‘p <HOSTPORT>:<CONTAINERPORT>
  • Start a container: docker container start <CONTAINERNAME OR ID>
    • Other common options:
      • Start interactive session: -it
  • Stop a container: docker container stop <CONTAINERNAME OR ID>
  • Remove a container: docker container rm <CONTAINERNAME OR ID>
  • Info on a container: docker container inspect <CONTAINERNAME OR ID>
  • Interact with a running container:
    • Start a shell: docker container exec -it <CONTAINERNAME OR ID> bash
    • Interact with an existing shell: docker attach <CONTAINERNAME OR ID>
    • Close interactive session, leaving container running: <CTRL+p> <CTRL-Q>

Docker volumes

  • Create a new volume: docker volume create <VOLUMENAME>
  • Info on a volume: docker volume inspect <VOLUMENAME>
  • Create container with mounted volume: docker contaner run -v <VOLUMENAME>:<MOUNTPATH> <IMAGENAME> OR docker contaner run --mount source=<VOLUMENAME>,target=<MOUNTPATH> <IMAGENAME>
  • View mounted volume contents: sudo ls /var/lib/docker/volumes/<VOLUMENAME>/_data


  • Save container info: docker container inspect <CONTAINERNAME OR ID> | tee container.txt
  • Capture container processes: docker container top <CONTAINERNAME OR ID> -aux | tee processes.txt
  • Capture container port mappings: docker container ports <CONTAINERNAME OR ID> | tee ports.txt
  • Copy file from container filesystem to local: docker container cp <CONTAINERNAME OR ID>:<SOURCEFILE>
  • Export a container filesystem: docker container export -o <OUTPUTFILE> <CONTAINERNAME OR ID>
  • Manually explore differences made since startup: sudo su && cd /var/lib/docker/
  • Capture differenes made since startup: docker commit <CONTAINERNAME OR ID> <NEWIMAGENAME>
  • Capture volume contents: sudo tar -zcf <VOLUMENAME>.tar.gz /var/lib/docker/volumes/<VOLUMENAME>
